Deployment of Mule ESB Application using MMC
Deployment of Mule ESB Application using MMC
1. Overview - Mule Management Console (MMC) centralizes management and monitoring functions for all your Mule ESB Enterprise deployments, whether they are running as standalone instances, as a cluster, or embedded in application servers. - MMC is an enterprise management and monitoring tool designed specifically for Mule ESB instances. - MMC provides a centralized, convenient, and intuitive web-based interface to monitor, manage, and administer the run-time aspects of Mule ESB. With MMC, you can save time and reduce errors by quickly identifying, diagnosing, and appropriately addressing problems within development, testing, UAT and production environments; all with the same user experience.
2. Deploying Mule Application - Login to Mule Management Console. - Use the Deployments Tab in the management console to perform application provisioning, including deploying, undeploying, and redeploying applications to specified target Mule ESB servers. - Tab in the management console to perform application provisioning, including deploying, undeploying, and redeploying applications to specified target Mule ESB servers.
3. Viewing the Deployments - The Deployments Tab provides two filtered views in the navigation tree: - Deployments: Deployments lists all provisioned applications, the servers to which they are provisioned, and the current status of the deployment. Click the Deployments button in the navigation tree to view and manage deployments. - Repository: Repository view shows all applications loaded into the repository and whether or not they have been provisioned.
4. Actions under ‘Deployment’ Tab • Deploy: Provisions the application to the configured Mule ESB instances and activates them. Only available for applications that are not currently deployed. The application may also be deployed to a cluster. • Undeploy: Deactivates and removes an existing deployed application from the configured Mule ESB instances. Only available for currently deployed applications The application may also be undeployed from a cluster. • Redeploy: Recycles the deployment of an existing application. Available for deployed applications or applications where the deployment previously failed • Delete: Deletes the deployment configuration. If the application is currently deployed, it will be undeployed first.
5. Creating a New Deployment Group • Click the New button to create a new deployment group and specify servers and applications for that group. The figure below shows the options you have for specifying applications and servers for a group • You enter a name for the deployment, plus select the server or servers (or server groups) for the deployment. Selected servers and server groups appear in the box beneath Servers, and can be removed by clicking the red X to the right of the server name. • You can also specify a cluster for the group. Refer below screen shot for step by step approach on creating a new Deployment Group under MMC.
6. Creating a New Deployment Group (Cont ...)
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